The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) program allows an extract of data from the workshop module in Gold to CNH. The data is then used by a CNH appointed agency to conduct satisfaction surveys.
Key benefits
- Allows dealers to better understand their customers’ needs
To assess service performance, CNH require data stored within the workshop module. This integration automatically extracts this data and sends it to CNH, removing the need for dealers to extract and compile data manually.
Key benefits
- Take advantage of an automated system
- Ensures the right data gets sent without manual intervention
Agricultural Sell Out Dashboard (ASOD) is a reporting tool that gives you an overview of a dealer business at a glance. Gold automatically provides this analysis tool with data which can then be categorised into sell-in, sell-out and stock figures.
Key benefits
- Removes the need to rekey information
- Sellout data by customer, part family or sale channel enables dealers to fine tune their sales strategy
- Advanced analytics to break down sales and stock to better understand customer behaviour
- Global sales and stock data gives the opportunity to dealers to spot any trends or variations
This financial reporting tool gives dealers the ability to submit a quarterly financial summary, including parts and workshop statistic information directly to CNH.
Key benefits
- Take advantage of an automated system
- Ensures the right data gets sent without manual intervention
- A requirement by CNH for all dealers