iOS Instructions
- If you are able to, ensure any outstanding data is uploaded to the Portal by clicking on the cloud icon, and pressing ‘Upload’ on the items shown
- Remove the App from your device
- Shut down your device
- Restart your device
- Download the Gold Service App from the App Store
- Login with same username, password & URL you used before (the URL is
Android Instructions
- If you are able to, ensure any outstanding data is uploaded to the Portal by clicking on the cloud icon, and pressing ‘Upload’ on the items shown
- Delete the Gold Service app from the phone
- Restart the phone
- Download the Gold Service app and install it
- Press and hold on the Gold Service app until the pop-up window appears
- Click on the information icon
- Go to Storage within the Usage menus
- Click on Clear Data. ( Which will clear the cache too) (a message will appear asking if you are sure – click ‘Ok’)
- Open the Gold Service App and login with same username, password & URL you used before (the URL is
Should this still not work, you will need to
- Uninstall the App
- Re-start your device
- Re-install the App via the Google Play Store
- Open the App and login with same username, password & URL you used before (the URL is