iOS Instructions

  1. If you are able to, ensure any outstanding data is uploaded to the Portal by clicking on the cloud icon, and pressing ‘Upload’ on the items shown
  2. Remove the App from your device
  3. Shut down your device
  4. Restart your device
  5. Download the Gold Service App from the App Store
  6. Login with same username, password & URL you used before (the URL is


Android Instructions

  1. If you are able to, ensure any outstanding data is uploaded to the Portal by clicking on the cloud icon, and pressing ‘Upload’ on the items shown
  2. Delete the Gold Service app from the phone
  3. Restart the phone
  4. Download the Gold Service app and install it
  5. Press and hold on the Gold Service app until the pop-up window appears
  6. Click on the information icon
  7. Go to Storage within the Usage menus
  8. Click on Clear Data. ( Which will clear the cache too) (a message will appear asking if you are sure – click ‘Ok’)
  9. Open the Gold Service App and login with same username, password & URL you used before (the URL is


Should this still not work, you will need to

  1. Uninstall the App
  2. Re-start your device
  3. Re-install the App via the Google Play Store
  4. Open the App and login with same username, password & URL you used before (the URL is