December Advisory Board Survey Results
We wanted to share the results from our December Advisory Board survey as well as the actions we are taking because of them.
Before we proceed, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that responded to the survey. Your opinions are incredibly valuable and help us to prioritise different developments and gain insight into other areas.
The completion rate has decreased slightly and only 54% of you responded this time despite adding a few extra dealers to the board. We would welcome any suggestions for improvement for future surveys to increase the uptake.
Here are the results and other key information we gained from the survey:
Manufacturer/Supplier Integrations
Stocking Finance Schemes
Ibcos Gold has links with a number providers of stocking finance schemes.
We wanted to know what additional functionality you would like to have.
Of those who responded to this question (72%) it was split fairly evenly between monthly interest and individual machines.
Only around 27% of people said they would like the system to raise self-bill documents for financed machines. One person pointed out that the self-bill value may be variable.
When asked about additional functionality most did not feel a need for change in this area.
As a result, this is not something that we will be taking forward at this time.
Parts App
These were the responses to the list of possible features we could include on a mobile app.
- Generate stock enquiries – 80% positive response.
- Scan barcodes relating to part numbers or serial numbers to replace manual entry and the need for access to a computer during warehouse processes – 85% positive response
- Create picking lists for items that a customer wants to purchase and display as a checklist – 80% positive response.
- Create purchase orders from a barcode scan or via manual entry – 70% positive response.
- Create goods received notes and add items to stock from a barcode scan or via manual entry – 57% positive response.
- Create inter depot transfers from a barcode scan or via manual entry – only 46% positive response.
- Create advice notes from a barcode scan or via manual entry – 71% positive response.
- Carry out stock checks and amendments from a barcode scan or via manual entry – 85% positive response.
- Capture signatures at the point of customer collection – 85% positive response.
It seems that scanning of barcodes, picking lists, stock checks and capturing signatures are the features that gained most interest.
We had a good number of useful comments in all the areas which we will examine in more detail.
Based on the responses we will progress this initiative to the next stage and get in touch with those of you that provided specific feedback in the coming months to fully define the scope of this project.
Industry Benchmarking Data
We are considering building an industry benchmarking product which would collect anonymous data from opted-in dealers’ systems to create industry averages and upper and lower percentiles for a range of dealership performance metrics.
Just over half of respondents were interested in this product.
Comments included manufacturers, who all require different data recording, and how it would be difficult to make this consistent across the dealers.
We will analyse the individual comments in more detail.
Based on the responses we will look to do more investigation into this initiative before progressing further.
We wanted your opinions on some possible enhancement requests for the Wholegoods module.
Ordering of Parts from a Wholegood Advice
For an option to order parts on a Wholegood Invoice the responses were:
a) Option to add to the next stock order generated (Main/Additional)? – 30%
b) Option to raise an immediate emergency order – 50%
c) Option to add the parts to an existing purchase order – 38%
Comments included several around the fact that machinery salesmen/wholegood administrators should not be ordering parts.
Based on your responses this is not something we will progress at this time.
Wholegood Insurance
We were interested in your thoughts on adding a facility for handling wholegood insurance claims.
Only 28% of the respondents said they dealt with insurance claims for customers on wholegoods and only 23% thought this would be a useful function to have in the Wholegoods module.
We received a mixture of comments mostly around how this would generally be handled in the workshop.
Based on your responses this is not something we will progress at this time.
Wholegood Telemetry Information
We asked for your opinions on including fields for wholegood telemetry against the wholegood records.
83% said they like to have fields made available on against the wholegoods to manually record a Telemetry Subscription Number and an Expiry Date.
We received quite a few comments on this that will be analysed in more detail.
Similarly, we had an 83% positive response to the question of making telemetry information available in the CRM module to generate mailshots to customers.
We received some further comments relating to different supplier offerings and other reporting options that will be examined further.
Based on your responses, we think that this is something that merits further investigation. Look out for further communication on this in the coming months.
Point of Sale
We were interested in what additional facilities relating to Point of Sale would you like to see in Gold.
We received a wide variety of responses; some common themes being signature capturing at the counter (not via a mobile device) and use of touch screens.
Based on your responses, we will do some more research into the suggestions and see how these might fit into our roadmap in the future.
Result PDF
Watch Out for Future Surveys
We hope to hear from even more of you with our next survey; your opinions really matter to us as they help us shape the future of Gold.